Hi FriendsI have been away for a little while, my awesome husband spoiled me to a holiday in Vietnam, what a treat and we had so much fun! I almost did not come back! Our trip to Vietnam made me think, wel I do that a lot... But it made me realise again what big an investment spending time with your loved ones is. We laughed out of our tummies till it hurt, walked 25 500 steps the one day. Yes, believe it, I have the app to prove it! But, with all the fun and traveling, the best was almost to come home and just be in our space again, cuddle on our own couch and just be there. You don't have to go off to a other country or even a vacation home to spend time with your partner, you can do it at home and with small gestures. Change small things in your daily life and make time to show your partner how much you love him. * Get up 2 minutes earlier and bring him coffee in bed, believe me, that keeps my husband happy for the rest of the day :) * Make time to have breakfast together, even if it means prepping it the night before. * Give your partner a random call, just to say - "I love you!" * Set aside time for a date night, dating is not just for young love, it can be very special and needed even after the little ones comes along My point is that in this busy and crazy life, we need to make time for each other, not just when we feel like it, but often and small changes in our life and attitude can make all the difference. The one thing that always comes to late is being sorry that we never did it. Do something small to show the love of your life that you love him! O, keep an eye out for my post on our holiday! I will be sharing some of our memories with you! Take care
Hi Friends,A few weeks ago I met with Andre de Villiers to get some more information regarding the premarital contract and why it is important. When I got married I had no idea why it was important and figured that I trust my husband and I don’t plan on getting divorced, so why do a contract? Only after we started looking for a house and myself deciding to start my own business we realised that the contract was not to just protect us from each other, but to protect each other should one of us have financial difficulties. Andre was so kind to share an article he wrote for a local newspaper to give us some more information on why a contract is important and what you should look out for when drawing up your own premarital contract. Of course we have something special from his side to all my clients and readers, so stay tuned! I apologize to my English readers the rest of the post will be in Afrikaans, but you are welcome to check out his website and give him a call should you need any information Vanaf die REGSTAFEL - Versigtig vir die huwelik sonder ‘n kontrak Somermaande is hoogseisoen vir troues. As Prokureur, is dit altyd vir my interessant hoeveel paartjies wat op trou staan by Prokureurs se kantore instorm (selfs ‘n dag voor die troue!) en ‘n “huwelikskontrak” wil hê – maar watter een? Hierdie is gewis een van die belangrikste kontrakte wat enige mens in sy/haar lewe sal aangaan. Die gevolge van hierdie kontrak word dikwels eers duidelik by egskeiding of dood van ‘n gade (dink aan boedelbelasting). Die belangrikste konsep om te begryp met hierdie kontrak is: Sonder ‘n kontrak, veroorsaak ‘n huweliksbevestiging dat een gesamentlike boedel ontstaan (al die man en vrou se bates en laste word saam in een “mandjie” gegooi). Daarteenoor, sal die sluit van ‘n kontrak twee boedels te weeg bring. Laasgenoemde bied die voordeel dat gades beskerm word teen mekaar se skuldeisers en onnodige boedelbelasting in sekere gevalle. Die huwelikspartye sal ook onbeperk kan kontrakteer, anders as by die huwelik binne gemeenskap van goed. Die toepassing van die aanwasbedeling (“ons wil trou met aanwas”) kan maklik deur die volgende geillustreer word: Gestel Jannie en Sannie se huwelik beëindig en hulle was “met aanwas” getroud. Jannie was voor die huwelik R1miljoen sterk en Sannie R3 miljoen. Jannie se afsonderlike boedel het tydens die huwelik vergroot met R 0.5 miljoen en Sannie s’n met R5 miljoen. Wie kan wat eis? Jannie het ‘n aanwas-eis teen Sannie van R2.5 miljoen en Sannie kan R0.25 miljoen van Jannie se aanwas eis. Jannie en Sannie is dus na die hierdie tipe huwelik onderskeidelik R3.75 miljoen en R5.75 miljoen sterk. Sou hulle sonder aanwas getrou het, was Jannie op R1.5 miljoen en Sannie op R8 miljoen. As hulle nie ‘n kontrak gehad het nie, was hulle beide op R4.75miljoen. Dit is krities belangrik dat huweliksvoorwaardekontrakte opgestel word na deegelike konsultasie voor huweliksluiting, met ‘n prokureur wat hierin praktiseer synde die meriete van elke geval juridies oorweeg behoort te word. André de Villiers is ‘n Praktiserende Prokureur by die Firma André de Villiers Prokureurs en praktiseer in sake wat Families en Besighede raak. Hallo Friends! Welcome to my very first Blog post! I have been wanting to blog for a very long time now, but never could decide if I will only be blogging my work or if I wanted to share my life and advise with others. Well I have decided! I would like to share my life with my clients as I am playing such a bit role in your life, I just think it is fair that you know about mine as well. I would like to share with you what I value, who I love working with, my work and also my advice on you wedding planning. I am a strong believer that there are a few things in live you should invest in. Your PartnerI believe this is the most important person in your life and well worth investing in. Small things makes the life worth while. The time you spend together, the little things in life that makes you smile, a handwritten note, coffee in bed, that hug - even when you did not ask for one. They all matter. Invest in good quality time together. Good FoodThere is nothing more rewarding than enjoying what you eat, it doesn't have to always be the healthiest, but it should be good. It just makes the world a better place. Experience new flavours, fine dining and the best slap chips in town! A reliable CarIt doesn’t have to be the best one on the market, but you need to trust it and know you will reach your destination in it. You deserve to enjoy the journey! A awesome holiday!Life is too short to work hard and not go on an awesome holiday. Save up for that special holiday and enjoy the brake! Your MemoriesLast but surely not the least – Invest in your memories! Do whatever you can to remember the special moments, the once in a lifetime experiences. They only Happen once! I hope you share in some of my investment believes. Please leave me a comment below with what you find important and what you believe is worth investing in! You are even welcome sharing your favourite pic of you with one of your investments! I would love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope that you will pop in again. Have a awesome weekend! *** Thank you Stephen for our Awesome photos! This was one of the best investments we could have made on our holiday in Jan! ****
AuthorI Love... Archives
September 2019